Effective Access 7.0

Effective Access 7.0

by Fritz J. Erickson, John R. Vonk

The Effective Series lab manuals include thorough coverage of a specific application using a combination of fundamental computer concepts and lessons covering all the major functions of the popular integrated software packages. They include hands-on tutorials covering popular combinations of applications software tools. In one book,students can learn the fundamental… See more details below


The Effective Series lab manuals include thorough coverage of a specific application using a combination of fundamental computer concepts and lessons covering all the major functions of the popular integrated software packages. They include hands-on tutorials covering popular combinations of applications software tools. In one book,students can learn the fundamental concepts of computing and effective applications use through the Erickson/Vonk Success-Based Learning Model. Each application lesson closes with an abundance of exercises. A data disk packaged with each Windows text ensures consistent results.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Publication date:
The Effective Series

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