Efficient Software Development with DB2 for OS/390: Organizational and Technical Measures for Performance Optimization / Edition 2

Efficient Software Development with DB2 for OS/390: Organizational and Technical Measures for Performance Optimization / Edition 2

by Ursula Kollar-Fiedrich, Jurgen Glag

Jürgen Glag's book points out how to ensure professional and efficient database software development in DB2 mainframe and client/server environments. The asset of this book is that technical aspects (performance, tuning) and organizational measures (economical performance) are covered. Consequently, this book is suitable particularly for organizations that

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Jürgen Glag's book points out how to ensure professional and efficient database software development in DB2 mainframe and client/server environments. The asset of this book is that technical aspects (performance, tuning) and organizational measures (economical performance) are covered. Consequently, this book is suitable particularly for organizations that want to use DB2 in an economical and safe way.

Work in various large production systems with DB2 revealed that most performance problems arise either from a certain critical transaction load onwards or for particularly large tables. Many measures can be taken in order to identify and to solve these problems during software development and not, as is often the case, only in production environment. Beyond explaining the causes for performance problems, this book also describes and explains well-proven measures to avoid such problems.

The book particularly addresses those persons who are responsible for data processing and quality assurance; project leaders and project managers in the data processing area; and software and application developers.

Das Buch von Glag zeigt, wie professionelle und effiziente DB-Anwendungsentwicklung im DB2-Großrechnerbereich und Client/Server-Umfeld sichergestellt werden können. Der Vorzug des Buches ist es, daß sowohl die technischen Aspekte (Performance, Tuning) als auch organisatorische Maßnahmen zur Optimierung (wirtschaftliche Performance) dargestellt werden. Damit eignet sich das Buch insbesondere für den Einsatz in Unternehmen, die DB2 kostengünstig und sicher einsetzen wollen.

Bei der Arbeit in mehreren großen produktiven DB2-Umgebungen hat sich gezeigt, daß die meisten Performance-Probleme entweder erst ab einer bestimmten kritischen Transaktionslast oder bei besonders umfangreichen Tabellengrößen auftreten. Um diese Probleme nicht erst in der Produktionsumgebung, sondern bereits während der Softwareentwicklung erkennen und lösen zu können, sind eine Reihe von Maßnahmen

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Product Details

Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
Publication date:
Efficient Software Development Series
Edition description:
2nd ed. 1999
Product dimensions:
0.36(w) x 6.69(h) x 9.61(d)

Table of Contents

Performance problems: symptoms, causes, and measures - organizational measures in software development - case studies - tuning - checklists - new stuff for application development

In order to get the best out of DB2 in terms of features that are relevant for application development, certain selected new topics in DDL and DML that came with Version 5 are covered by this edition.

Performanceprobleme: Symptome, Ursachen und Maßnahmen - Organisatorische Maßnahmen in der Softwareentwicklung - Fallstudien - Tuning - Checklisten

"Zusätzlich wird in diesem Buch auf die Erweiterungen der Version 5 eingegangen."

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