Essential Oracle 7

Essential Oracle 7

by Tom Luers

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This hands-on book is crowded with practical examples that not only illustrate complex subject matter but also teach by allowing the reader to work through problems on their own Oracle RDBMS. It quickly teaches the basics of database management such as creating and maintaining data and writing Oracle applications.

  • Reviews basic principles of
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This hands-on book is crowded with practical examples that not only illustrate complex subject matter but also teach by allowing the reader to work through problems on their own Oracle RDBMS. It quickly teaches the basics of database management such as creating and maintaining data and writing Oracle applications.

  • Reviews basic principles of RDBMS
  • Includes a detailed step-by-step approach to writing Oracle applications
  • Teaches how to properly maintain stored data within the RDBMS

Product Details

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7.34(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.31(d)

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