Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining / Edition 1

Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining / Edition 1

by Ashish Ghosh

This carefully edited book reflects and advances the state of the art in the area of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery with Evolutionary Algorithms. It emphasizes the utility of different evolutionary computing tools to various facets of knowledge discovery from databases, ranging from theoretical analysis to real-life applications. "Evolutionary Computation in

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This carefully edited book reflects and advances the state of the art in the area of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery with Evolutionary Algorithms. It emphasizes the utility of different evolutionary computing tools to various facets of knowledge discovery from databases, ranging from theoretical analysis to real-life applications. "Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining" provides a balanced mixture of theory, algorithms and applications in a cohesive manner, and demonstrates how the different tools of evolutionary computation can be used for solving real-life problems in data mining and bioinformatics.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Series, #163
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
0.75(w) x 6.14(h) x 9.21(d)

Table of Contents

Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.- Strategies for Scaling Up Evolutionary Instance Reduction Algorithms for Data Mining.- GAP: Constructing and Selecting Features with Evolutionary Computing.- Multi-Agent Data Mining using Evolutionary Computing.- A Rule Extraction System with Class-Dependent Features.- Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining via an Evolutionary Algorithm.- Diversity and Neuro-Ensemble.- Unsupervised Niche Clustering: Discovering an Unknown Number of Clusters in Noisy Data Sets.- Evolutionary Computation in Intelligent Network Management.- Genetic Programming in Data Mining for Drug Discovery.- Microarray Data Mining with Evolutionary Computation.- An Evolutionary Modularized Data Mining Mechanism for Financial Distress Forecasts.

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