The Excel Analyst's Guide to Access

The Excel Analyst's Guide to Access

by Michael Alexander

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Use the right tool for the job

Like many managers, accountants, and analysts, you've been using Excel for data analysis. It's a good tool, but you're beginning to find its limitations frustrating. You're looking for more scalability. More transparency of analytical processes. The ability to separate data from presentation.

Access makes it all possible, and this

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Use the right tool for the job

Like many managers, accountants, and analysts, you've been using Excel for data analysis. It's a good tool, but you're beginning to find its limitations frustrating. You're looking for more scalability. More transparency of analytical processes. The ability to separate data from presentation.

Access makes it all possible, and this guide helps you add Access to your analytical toolbox. Learn the essentials of using Access, basic and advanced analysis techniques, how to build reports, and much more. Then you can choose the right tool for every job.

  • Easily move data between Excel and Access
  • Normalize and store Excel data in a structured relational database
  • Use Access to analyze large amounts of data
  • Use Excel pivot tables with Access data
  • Build reports and implement dashboard-style visualizations
  • Report Access data using Excel's presentation layer
  • Automate redundant reporting and analysis using Excel and Access macros
  • Save time and increase productivity by automating redundant processes using VBA
  • Get external data using SQL, ADO, and XML

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7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.40(d)


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