Expert Oracle Database 10g Administration / Edition 1

Expert Oracle Database 10g Administration / Edition 1

5.0 1
by Sam Alapati

This is a unique, one-volume guide to the administration and management of the Oracle database. Fully revised and updated from its best-selling 9i predecessor, this edition covers all new features, with fully field-tested examplesnot just "showcase" examples.

This book covers the new 10g management and performance tools and provides essential

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This is a unique, one-volume guide to the administration and management of the Oracle database. Fully revised and updated from its best-selling 9i predecessor, this edition covers all new features, with fully field-tested examplesnot just "showcase" examples.

This book covers the new 10g management and performance tools and provides essential primers on Unix, Linux and Windows NT administration and on core SQL and PL/SQL programming techniques. And it provides everything the new and aspring Oracle database administrator needs to build and administer complex Oracle 10g databases.

Product Details

Publication date:
Expert's Voice Series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.81(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Background, data modeling, and UNIX/Linux
Ch. 1The Oracle DBA's world3
Ch. 2Relational database modeling and database design19
Ch. 3Essential UNIX (and Linux) for the Oracle DBA43
Pt. 2Oracle Database 10g architecture, schema, and transaction management
Ch. 4Introduction to the Oracle Database 10g architecture99
Ch. 5Schema management145
Ch. 6Oracle transaction management225
Pt. 3Installing Oracle Database 10g, and creating and upgrading databases
Ch. 7Installing the Oracle Database 10g RDBMS279
Ch. 8Upgrading to Oracle Database 10g315
Ch. 9Creating an Oracle Database329
Pt. 4Connectivity and user management
Ch. 10Connectivity and networking391
Ch. 11User management and database security421
Ch. 12Using SQL plus and iSQL plus491
Pt. 5Data loading, backup, and recovery
Ch. 13Loading and transforming data539
Ch. 14Using data pump export and import589
Ch. 15Backing up databases631
Ch. 16Database recovery699
Pt. 6Managing the operational Oracle Database
Ch. 17Automatic management and online capabilities759
Ch. 18Managing and monitoring the operational database823
Ch. 19Using Oracle enterprise manager883
Ch. 20Managing Oracle Databases on Windows and Linux systems909
Pt. 7Performance tuning
Ch. 21Improving database performance : SQL query optimization937
Ch. 22Performance tuning : tuning the instance1001
Pt. 8The data dictionary, dynamic views, and the Oracle-supplied packages
Ch. 23The Oracle data dictionary and the dynamic performance views1083
Ch. 24Using Oracle PL/SQL packages1145
App. AOracle Database 10g SQL and PL/SQL : a brief primer1183

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