Exploring: Getting Started with Microsoft Office / Edition 1

Exploring: Getting Started with Microsoft Office / Edition 1

by Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber


For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.

Master the How and Why of Office 2003!  Students master the "How and Why" of performing tasks in Office and gain a greater understanding of

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For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.

Master the How and Why of Office 2003!  Students master the "How and Why" of performing tasks in Office and gain a greater understanding of how to use the individual applications together to solve business problems.

Product Details

Publication date:
Grauer Exploring Office 2003 Series
Product dimensions:
7.90(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.60(d)

Table of Contents

Word 2003
1. Introduction: What Will Word Processing Do For Me?
Excel 2003
1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel: What Is a Spreadsheet?
Access 2003
1. Introduction to Microsoft Access: What Is a Database?
Powerpoint 2003
1. Introduction to PowerPoint: Presentations Made Easy.

Getting Started with Windows XP.

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