FileMaker 8 Calculation Functions (Digital Short Cut)

FileMaker 8 Calculation Functions (Digital Short Cut)

by Steve Lane, Scott Love, Bob Bowers

This is the eBook version of the printed book.

The calculation dialog in FileMaker serves as a fundamental element in nearly all development activities. The calculation dialog allows developers easy access to the data fields in their solutions and to a complete function list. This Short Cut presents a complete description of each calculation function, lists

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This is the eBook version of the printed book.

The calculation dialog in FileMaker serves as a fundamental element in nearly all development activities. The calculation dialog allows developers easy access to the data fields in their solutions and to a complete function list. This Short Cut presents a complete description of each calculation function, lists examples, and in many cases offers additional comments on usage.


This Short Cut is Chapter 6 from the book FileMaker 8 Functions and Scripts Desk Reference by Scott Love, Steve Lane, and Bob Bowers (0-7897-3511-3).  As such, it contains references pointing you to additional information not found in this Short Cut, but in a companion book, Special Edition Using FileMaker 8. Apart from this reference, the Short Cut is fully self-contained and is an excellent sampling of calculation functions.

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Pearson Education
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Barnes & Noble
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5 MB

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