FileMaker Pro 10: The Missing Manual

FileMaker Pro 10: The Missing Manual

by Susan Prosser, Geoff Coffey

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Clear, thorough, and accessible, "FileMaker Pro 9: The Missing Manual" helps users get in, build a database, and get the results they need, whether they are running a business, pursuing a hobby, or planning their retirement. It's the ideal guide for non-technical and experienced folks alike.See more details below


Clear, thorough, and accessible, "FileMaker Pro 9: The Missing Manual" helps users get in, build a database, and get the results they need, whether they are running a business, pursuing a hobby, or planning their retirement. It's the ideal guide for non-technical and experienced folks alike.

Product Details

O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Publication date:
Missing Manual Series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.80(d)

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