Filemaker Pro 2.0 WIN

Filemaker Pro 2.0 WIN

by Rich Coulombre, Jonathan Price

If you're developing FileMaker Pro 2.0 databases for Windows, here is the book for you. Starting where the manuals leave off, this book gives you expert advice on building your own sophisticated database applications. Packed with insider tips, behind-the-scenes explanations of how FileMaker Pro 2.0 really works, cautions about common mistakes, and strategies for… See more details below


If you're developing FileMaker Pro 2.0 databases for Windows, here is the book for you. Starting where the manuals leave off, this book gives you expert advice on building your own sophisticated database applications. Packed with insider tips, behind-the-scenes explanations of how FileMaker Pro 2.0 really works, cautions about common mistakes, and strategies for making your interface easy to use, this book/disk package shows you tricks and techniques you may never have thought possible in FileMaker Pro. The bonus disk is crammed with sample databases and ready-to-run templates.

Editorial Reviews

On the state of the art of electronic enhancement of effective collaborative enterprises--in other words, teamwork--using computers for close-to-telepathic communication of data and thinking among team members. Papers discuss hardware and software goals and obstacles. From a workshop held in Morgantown, West Virginia, April 1993. No index. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Addison Wesley Professional
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.48(w) x 9.06(h) x (d)

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