FileMaker Pro 3 for Macs for Dummies

FileMaker Pro 3 for Macs for Dummies

by Tom Maremaa, Tom Mareman

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The newest version of FileMaker Pro is the best ever. Still one of the easiest to use database programs available for both Macintosh and Windows platforms, FileMaker Pro 3 adds relational capabilities, new field types and options, enhanced layout functions, and even powerful scripting operations to an already robust feature set. NowSee more details below


The newest version of FileMaker Pro is the best ever. Still one of the easiest to use database programs available for both Macintosh and Windows platforms, FileMaker Pro 3 adds relational capabilities, new field types and options, enhanced layout functions, and even powerful scripting operations to an already robust feature set. Now, with FileMaker Pro 3 For Macs For Dummies, you can get the scoop on these new features as well as get practical instructions and tips on making your own professional-looking, useful databases. Whether you just want to create your own address book or household inventory, or you want to create a workgroup-style database to keep a sales team organized and on track, you'll find invaluable, ready-to-use tips and real-life examples in FileMaker Pro 3 For Macs For Dummies.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.31(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.00(d)

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