FileMaker Pro 4 for Dummies

FileMaker Pro 4 for Dummies

by Tom Maremaa

For years, FileMaker Pro was the database program of choice for Macintosh users. Then it became the ideal cross-platform database for offices in which Macs and Windows PCs live side by side. Now, thanks to brand-new Web publishing capabilities, FileMaker Pro databases can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, using any platform, right over the World Wide Web.

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For years, FileMaker Pro was the database program of choice for Macintosh users. Then it became the ideal cross-platform database for offices in which Macs and Windows PCs live side by side. Now, thanks to brand-new Web publishing capabilities, FileMaker Pro databases can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, using any platform, right over the World Wide Web.

Find out how to take advantage of the new Web capabilities -- and all the rest of the FileMaker Pro program's great features -- in FileMaker Pro 4 For Dummies. In this easy-to-use reference, long-time software developer Tom Maremaa acquaints FileMaker Pro novices with the program's user-friendly interface and all the essentials of adding, editing, and deleting database records. He also shows you how you can build your own databases from scratch as well as how you can avoid reinventing the wheel by adapting the database templates that come with the program.

Best of all, FileMaker Pro 4 For Dummies shows you step-by-step how to take your FileMaker Pro database and make it available on your organization's intranet or the global Internet. You also find out how to manage all-important security issues, so that only certain people have access to sensitive information or can alter the contents of the database.

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.33(w) x 9.11(h) x 0.92(d)

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