FileMaker Pro 5 Companion

FileMaker Pro 5 Companion

by Maria Langer

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FileMaker Pro is a top-selling database application for both Mac OS and Windows users. With its intuitive interface, flexible layout feature, and ability to create cross-platform, networkable files, it's the obvious choice for meeting data management needs. But FileMaker Pro goes beyond the basic needs of users by providing automation, the ability to create custom

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FileMaker Pro is a top-selling database application for both Mac OS and Windows users. With its intuitive interface, flexible layout feature, and ability to create cross-platform, networkable files, it's the obvious choice for meeting data management needs. But FileMaker Pro goes beyond the basic needs of users by providing automation, the ability to create custom applications, and built-in Web publishing capabilities.

FileMaker Pro 5 Companion covers all aspects of using FileMaker Pro to create and maintain database files. Written for every level of FileMaker Pro user, the book begins with the basics of database design and creation, then moves on to teach the intricacies of layouts, field entry options, calculations, scripting, database Web publishing, and more. Each chapter ends with exercises that reinforce the techniques learned. The book's companion Web site provides additional tips, links, and other information of interest to FileMaker Pro users.

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Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.21(h) x 1.64(d)

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