FileMaker Pro 5.5 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide Series)

FileMaker Pro 5.5 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide Series)

by Nolan Hester

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This guide uses screen captures, captions, tips, and step-by-step instructions to explain major functions and options of FileMaker, for beginning and intermediate users. Topics covered include working with records and files, creating designing databases, and printing, networking, and the Web. Hester is a Web consultant and freelance writer. He has written other books… See more details below


This guide uses screen captures, captions, tips, and step-by-step instructions to explain major functions and options of FileMaker, for beginning and intermediate users. Topics covered include working with records and files, creating designing databases, and printing, networking, and the Web. Hester is a Web consultant and freelance writer. He has written other books on computing. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Peachpit Press
Publication date:
Visual QuickStart Guide Series
Edition description:
Microsoft Office XP Edition
Product dimensions:
6.94(w) x 8.96(h) x 0.73(d)

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