FileMaker Pro 7 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickPro Guide Series)
  • FileMaker Pro 7 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickPro Guide Series)
  • FileMaker Pro 7 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickPro Guide Series)

FileMaker Pro 7 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickPro Guide Series)

by Cynthia L. Baron, Daniel Peck

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For database software, FileMaker Pro has always been almost shockingly easy to use. However, somewhere along the way it also became incredibly powerful-so much so, in fact, that's it's no longer about just creating small-scale relational databases. If you're ready to move beyond the basics and take advantage of FileMaker Pro 7's advanced features, this task-based

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For database software, FileMaker Pro has always been almost shockingly easy to use. However, somewhere along the way it also became incredibly powerful-so much so, in fact, that's it's no longer about just creating small-scale relational databases. If you're ready to move beyond the basics and take advantage of FileMaker Pro 7's advanced features, this task-based guide provides the key. By applying the same visual approach, step-by-step instructions, and concise explanations employed by the popular Visual QuickStart Guides to complex topics like creating and managing links between fields in multiple tables and employing the advanced security features to define which fields are editable by different user categories, this handy guide represents the most efficient way for experienced FileMaker users to take their skills to the next level. By the end of the volume, you'll be creating custom databases, using advanced querying features, and managing huge volumes of complex data (text, video, images, audio, PDFs, and more) with FileMaker Pro 7!

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Product Details

Peachpit Press
Publication date:
Visual QuickPro Series
Edition description:
Intermediate/Advanced Level
Product dimensions:
6.98(w) x 9.06(h) x 0.96(d)

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