FileMaker Pro and the World Wide Web

FileMaker Pro and the World Wide Web

by Jesse Feiler

This book gives you everything you need to know about FileMaker Pro and the Web. For both Windows and Mac OS users, this book can help readers convert their computer into a database server available for browsing the Internet, an intranet, or a LAN. Whether you are publishing databases, creating a shopping car, generating electronic commerce with an on-line store, or… See more details below


This book gives you everything you need to know about FileMaker Pro and the Web. For both Windows and Mac OS users, this book can help readers convert their computer into a database server available for browsing the Internet, an intranet, or a LAN. Whether you are publishing databases, creating a shopping car, generating electronic commerce with an on-line store, or developing interactive FileMaker Pro solutions for the Web, this book can help you access the wealth of opportunities that come with the exciting convergence of databases and the Internet.

Editorial Reviews

Provides an explanation of the techniques necessary for transforming a database into an interactive information desk, warehouse, or storefront. It also gives advice on handling issues that may arise from database publishing on the Web such as security, maintenance, troubleshooting, and interface design. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.39(w) x 9.23(h) x 1.16(d)

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