FlowingData.com Data Visualization Set

FlowingData.com Data Visualization Set

by Nathan Yau

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Visualize This is a guide on how to visualize and tellstories with data, providing practical design tips complementedwith step-by-step tutorials. It begins with a description of thehuge growth of data and visualization in industry, news, and gov'tand opportunities for those who tell stories with data. Logicallyit moves on to actual stories in

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Visualize This is a guide on how to visualize and tellstories with data, providing practical design tips complementedwith step-by-step tutorials. It begins with a description of thehuge growth of data and visualization in industry, news, and gov'tand opportunities for those who tell stories with data. Logicallyit moves on to actual stories in data-statistical ones with trendsand human stories. the technical part comes up quickly with how togather, parse and format data with Python, R, Excel, Google docs,etc and details tools to visualize data-native graphics for the Weblike ActionScript, Flash libraries, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML.Every chapter provides an example as well. Patterns over time andkinds of data charts are followed by proportions, chart types andexamples. Next, examples and descriptions of outliers and how toshow them, different kinds of maps, how to guide your readers andexplain the data "in the visualization". The book ends with avalue-add appendix on graphical perception.

Data Points focuses on the approach to visualization anddata. Visualization is a medium that can be used as a tool, art, away to tell stories, etc., Data Points guides readersthrough making data approachable through visualization techniquesand best practices. The focus is on designing with a purpose inmind. Data Points discusses why recipes (from the rules)work and expands on how readers can make their own recipes. Thebook is example-driven, featuring work from people in areas of art,design, business, statistics, computer science, cartography, andonline media, as well as many of the author's own illustrations.The major sections of the book cover:

  • Visualization as Medium — In the same way not all movies aredocumentaries, not all visualization is about optimal visualperception.
  •  Data Representation — There are rules across allvisualization applications, such as the use of appropriate shapesto accurately represent values.
  • Design with Purpose — Rules can be broken though. It alldepends on who and what you're designing for.

Data Points digs deep into the foundations of datavisualization:

  • Understanding Data and Visualization
  • Representing Data
  • Exploring Data Visually
  • Designing for an Audience
  • Visualizing with Clarity
  • Putting Everything Into Practice with Tools and Resources

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7.40(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.40(d)

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