From Fields to Strings: Circumnavigating Theoretical Physics: Ian Kogan Memorial Collection (in 3 Volumes)

From Fields to Strings: Circumnavigating Theoretical Physics: Ian Kogan Memorial Collection (in 3 Volumes)

by Misha Shifman

This volume is a collection of dedicated reviews covering all aspects of theoretical high energy physics and some aspects of solid state physics. Some of the papers are broad reviews of topics that span the entire field while others are surveys of authors� personal achievements. This is the most comprehensive review collection reflecting state of the art at the end of… See more details below


This volume is a collection of dedicated reviews covering all aspects of theoretical high energy physics and some aspects of solid state physics. Some of the papers are broad reviews of topics that span the entire field while others are surveys of authors� personal achievements. This is the most comprehensive review collection reflecting state of the art at the end of 2004. An important and unique aspect is a special effort the authors have invested in making the presentation pedagogical.

Product Details

World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated
Publication date:
Series on Innovative Intelligence
Edition description:
3 Volume Set
Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 10.30(h) x 5.20(d)

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