From P2P and Grids to Services on the Web: Evolving Distributed Communities

From P2P and Grids to Services on the Web: Evolving Distributed Communities

by Ian J. Taylor, Andrew Harrison

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Covers a comprehensive range of P2P and Grid technologies.

Provides a broad overview of the P2P field and how it relates to other technologies, such as Grid Computing, jini, Agent based computing, and web services.

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Covers a comprehensive range of P2P and Grid technologies.

Provides a broad overview of the P2P field and how it relates to other technologies, such as Grid Computing, jini, Agent based computing, and web services.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

From the reviews:

"Provides rich background information to beginners entering this subject area. … The diagrams … are clear-cut, as are the snippets of codes. There are hardly any errors throughout the book. … covers a broad and coherent range of distributed-computing techniques … . People with different programming abilities, even those who have never written a single line of code … learn a lot from it. … recommend the book to anyone interested in distributed computing, especially students in the field of distributed computing … ." (Haoyang Che, THE COMPUTER JOUNAL, Vol. 48(3), 2005)

"Specialists working on different types of novel distributed computing systems will like this book. It will be of interest, for instance, to peer-to-peer (P2P) developers who want to know how a somewhat similar idea of grid computing works, and the other way around. It would also be a good choice for laymen who are looking for a good textbook on these topics. … For people involved with the Internet, this book is a really enjoyable journey through a number of hot topics." (Piotr Cholda, ACM Computing Reviews, July, 2009)

Product Details

Springer London
Publication date:
Computer Communications and Networks Series
Edition description:
2nd ed. 2009
Product dimensions:
6.14(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.98(d)

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