Fundamentals of Database Systems, with E-book / Edition 3

Fundamentals of Database Systems, with E-book / Edition 3

by Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe

Each copy of this best-seller is now accompanied by a CD-ROM containing an electronic version of the book, allowing readers to highlight text, make margin notes and more. Fundamentals of Database Systems combines clear explanations of theory and design, broad coverage of models and real systems, and excellent examples with up-to-date introductions to modern… See more details below


Each copy of this best-seller is now accompanied by a CD-ROM containing an electronic version of the book, allowing readers to highlight text, make margin notes and more. Fundamentals of Database Systems combines clear explanations of theory and design, broad coverage of models and real systems, and excellent examples with up-to-date introductions to modern database technologies. It focuses on the relational model and includes recent object-oriented developments such as SQL3 and ODMG. The authors provide coverage of the popular DBMS products, in particular the relational systems Oracle and Microsoft Access. They also address advanced modeling and system enhancements in the areas of active databases, temporal and spatial databases, and multimedia data models. The book also surveys the latest application areas of data warehousing, data mining, digital libraries, GIS, and genome databases. This book is appropriate for programmers looking for an introduction to database theory and application, or a reference to how popular real-world DBMSs address these concepts.

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.75(w) x 9.52(h) x 1.67(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Basic Concepts
Ch. 1Databases and Database Users2
Ch. 2Database System Concepts and Architecture23
Ch. 3Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship Model41
Ch. 4Enhanced Entity-Relationship and Object Modeling73
Ch. 5Record Storage and Primary File Organizations113
Ch. 6Index Structures for Files155
Pt. 2Relational Model, Languages, and Systems193
Ch. 7The Relational Data Model, Relational Constraints, and the Relational Algebra195
Ch. 8SQL - The Relational Database Standard243
Ch. 9ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping, and Other Relational Languages289
Ch. 10Examples of Relational Database Management Systems: Oracle and Microsoft Access323
Pt. 3Object-Oriented and Extended Relational Database Technology357
Ch. 11Concepts for Object-Oriented Databases359
Ch. 12Object Database Standards, Languages, and Design385
Ch. 13Object Relational and Extended Relational Database Systems435
Pt. 4Database Design Theory and Methodology463
Ch. 14Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases465
Ch. 15Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies501
Ch. 16Practical Database Design and Tuning527
Pt. 5System Implementation Techniques568
Ch. 17Database System Architectures and the System Catalog569
Ch. 18Query Processing and Optimization585
Ch. 19Transaction Processing Concepts629
Ch. 20Concurrency Control Techniques661
Ch. 21Database Recovery Techniques689
Ch. 22Database Security and Authorization715
Pt. 6Advanced Database Concepts & Emerging Application731
Ch. 23Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications733
Ch. 24Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architecture765
Ch. 25Deductive Databases801
Ch. 26Data Warehousing and Data Mining841
Ch. 27Emerging Database Technologies and Applications873
App. AAlternative Diagrammatic Notations909
App. BParameters of Disks913
App. CAn Overview of the Network Data Model917
App. DAn Overview of the Hierarchical Data Model941
Selected Bibliography

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