Fundamentals: Building Visual Studio Applications on a Visual FoxPro Foundation

Fundamentals: Building Visual Studio Applications on a Visual FoxPro Foundation

by Whil Hentzen

Whether completely new to Visual FoxPro, an old hand with FoxPro 2.x but new to the Visual world, or comfortable with VFP 3.0/5.0 but needing to know what's new in "Tahoe," users will benefit from The Fundamentals, which contains information on building LAN, Client/Server, and multi-tier distributed Visual Studio applications on a Visual FoxPro foundation.See more details below


Whether completely new to Visual FoxPro, an old hand with FoxPro 2.x but new to the Visual world, or comfortable with VFP 3.0/5.0 but needing to know what's new in "Tahoe," users will benefit from The Fundamentals, which contains information on building LAN, Client/Server, and multi-tier distributed Visual Studio applications on a Visual FoxPro foundation. Covered are the basics of developing a wide range of applications quickly, all of the new commands, functions, features and tools of Visual FoxPro 6.0, and step-by-step instructions on building a variety of applications with VFP as the foundation.

Product Details

Hentzenwerke Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.06(w) x 8.98(h) x 1.90(d)

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