Genomes, Browsers, and Databases: Data-Mining Tools for Integrated Genomic Databases

Genomes, Browsers, and Databases: Data-Mining Tools for Integrated Genomic Databases

by Peter Schattner

Guide to key tools for large-scale gene-sequence and annotation comparisons for bioinformatics students and researchers.See more details below


Guide to key tools for large-scale gene-sequence and annotation comparisons for bioinformatics students and researchers.

Product Details

Cambridge University Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.80(d)

Table of Contents

1. The molecular biology data explosion; 2. Introduction to genome browsing with the UCSC Genome Browser; 3. Browsing with Ensembl, Map Viewer and other genome browsers; 4. Interactive genome-database batch querying; 5. Interactive batch post-processing with Galaxy; 6. Introduction to programmed querying; 7. Using the Ensembl API; 8. Programmed querying with Ensembl, continued; 9. Introduction to the UCSC API; 10. More advanced application using the UCSC API; 11. Customized genome databases; 12. Genomes, browsers, databases - the future.

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