Getting Started with Flurry Analytics

Getting Started with Flurry Analytics

by Bhanu Birani

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Analytics help you to understand the way your users are interacting with your mobile application. Flurry provides you with a strong analytics tool to keep track of your application and to analyze your application data without much hassle. It provides an SDK for almost all platforms to gather data from all platforms of mobile and web applications.

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In Detail

Analytics help you to understand the way your users are interacting with your mobile application. Flurry provides you with a strong analytics tool to keep track of your application and to analyze your application data without much hassle. It provides an SDK for almost all platforms to gather data from all platforms of mobile and web applications. The enormous amount of data Flurry handles directly translates into unique, powerful insights into your applications.

Getting Started with Flurry Analytics is a practical, hands-on guide to instantly getting started with Flurry analytics using step-by-step exercises. You will take advantage of the real power of Flurry analytics and provides you with an example-based learning approach to help you master it quickly and efficiently.

This book starts by discussing how to set up and integrate Flurry analytics and ends by making you aware of how to track your application using Parse. You will also learn about tracking your application data using Flurry analytics to strengthen your strategies and to improve the application monetization process. You will also learn about configuration and implementation of Flurry analytics and how to make the application track all the necessary details to empower management decisions.


An easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial full of examples and code to help you quickly get started with Flurry analytics.

Who this book is for

This book is great for developers who want to track their applications instantly using Flurry analytics and who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use Flurry for analytics in their application. It’s assumed that you will have some experience with Objective-C and a basic understanding of object-oriented programming and programming in general. You must be enrolled as an iPhone developer in order to test the example projects on your device.

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Packt Publishing
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