Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows and Data Disk Set

Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows and Data Disk Set

by Henry Gaylord, Wiley and Sons, Inc. Staff

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This hands-on applications manual takes readers beyond keystroking to explore the functions and whys of this popular software. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions help users master specific database concepts and skills and develop the ability to apply them in the future. Frequent screen dumps provide visual aids for learning and illustrate major procedures.

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This hands-on applications manual takes readers beyond keystroking to explore the functions and whys of this popular software. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions help users master specific database concepts and skills and develop the ability to apply them in the future. Frequent screen dumps provide visual aids for learning and illustrate major procedures. Steps are clearly described in a bulleted list and then used in a hands-on activity. The convenient Feature Reference summarizes menu commands as well as mouse and keyboard shortcuts.

Product Details

Publication date:
Getting Started with Windows Ser.
Product dimensions:
6.02(w) x 10.94(h) x 0.28(d)

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