Getting Started with SAP R/3: An Introductory Guide to R/3 Naviation and Use

Getting Started with SAP R/3: An Introductory Guide to R/3 Naviation and Use

by Gareth DeBruyn, Robert Lyfareff, Francie Prince

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This book introduces you to the intricate world of SAP R/3. By establishing a learning environment of ease and practicality, Getting Started with SAP R/3 effectively explains how to use SAP functions and, more important, when and why to use them. Through a direct, results-oriented approach, you will gain immediate understanding and confidence not provided bySee more details below


This book introduces you to the intricate world of SAP R/3. By establishing a learning environment of ease and practicality, Getting Started with SAP R/3 effectively explains how to use SAP functions and, more important, when and why to use them. Through a direct, results-oriented approach, you will gain immediate understanding and confidence not provided by other "how-to" resources. With each lesson building upon the others, you are quickly able to use R/3 functionality in a meaningful and productive manner.

Editorial Reviews

An introduction to an application that provides an integrated environment for daily business management, for business professionals. Part I covers basics of SAP, Part II deals with advanced user topics, and Part III covers support and maintenance functions for technical support teams. Material is presented through chapter scenarios, step- by-step lessons, screen images, and explanations of functions. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Premier Press
Publication date:
Prima Computer Books Series
Product dimensions:
7.65(w) x 9.44(h) x 1.14(d)

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