GIS Data Conversion Handbook

GIS Data Conversion Handbook

by Glenn E. Montgomery, Harold C. Schuch, Julie Laugen

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This landmark book addresses the data conversion issues involved in geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Converting paper-based maps to digital files can be expensive, complicated, and time consuming. It is the first comprehensive handbook that cohesively integrates the many complex issues of data conversion into a single publication for the GIS… See more details below


This landmark book addresses the data conversion issues involved in geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Converting paper-based maps to digital files can be expensive, complicated, and time consuming. It is the first comprehensive handbook that cohesively integrates the many complex issues of data conversion into a single publication for the GIS professional as well as for the student or layperson. Written and edited by international authorities on GIS conversion, the handbook covers the subject from basic conversion issues and map digitizing to advanced data capture techniques.

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Addresses the conversion of paper-based maps to digital files--a process that can be expensive, complicated, and time consuming. Discusses hardware issues, data sources, land based data vs. facilities data, data quality, database design, impact of emerging technologies, and data conversion plan development. Published by GIS World, Inc., 155 E. Boardwalk Dr., Suite 250, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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