Google Analytics 2.0

Google Analytics 2.0

by Jerri L. Ledford, Mary E. Tyler

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Site Stats on Steroids

Is your Web site serving its purpose? To find out, you need to analyze factors related to what the site is supposed to do. Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics are like site stats on steroids. Analytics crunch those raw numbers into meaningful metrics—information you can use.

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Site Stats on Steroids

Is your Web site serving its purpose? To find out, you need to analyze factors related to what the site is supposed to do. Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics are like site stats on steroids. Analytics crunch those raw numbers into meaningful metrics—information you can use.

If you read our first book on Google Analytics, you already know what this tool can do and why that matters. (If you didn't, don't worry; there's an overview here, too.) This edition shows you what's new in version 2.0, helping you uncover specific details and use them like never before.

  • Master basic analytics and Web statistics concepts
  • Set up Google Analytics 2.0, choose the filters you need, and explore goals and goal-setting

  • Learn about new features that enhance analysis, including cross-segment reporting and drilldown content

  • Take control of Google Analytics with customizable dashboards and date ranges

  • Examine every aspect of the available reports, including visitors, traffic sources, content, and goals

  • Discover the specific reports suited for e-commerce sites and how to use them

  • Maximize the integration of Google Analytics with Google AdWords

  • Boost your use of Regular Expressions, write your own filters, and quantify your goals

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