Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Fourth Edition

Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Fourth Edition

by Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz

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"The seminal book on white-hat hacking and countermeasures.... Should be required reading for anyone with a server or a network to secure." --Bill Machrone, PC Magazine

This brand-new edition of the best-selling security book covers all the latest hacks and countermeasures and includes a bonus DVD with the authors' famous "Hacking Exposed Live"

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"The seminal book on white-hat hacking and countermeasures.... Should be required reading for anyone with a server or a network to secure." --Bill Machrone, PC Magazine

This brand-new edition of the best-selling security book covers all the latest hacks and countermeasures and includes a bonus DVD with the authors' famous "Hacking Exposed Live" presentation!

Stuart McClure is the coauthor of all four editions of Hacking Exposed as well as of Hacking Exposed Windows 2000. Stuart co-authored "Security Watch," a weekly column in InfoWorld addressing topical security issues, exploits, and vulnerabilities. He is the President/CTO of Foundstone, Inc. Prior to co-founding Foundstone, Stuart was a Senior Manager with Ernst & Young's Security Profiling Services Group, responsible for project management, attack and penetration reviews, and technology evaluations. Stuart trains Foundstone's Ultimate Hacking course, and Hacking Exposed Live for conferences such as Networld + InterOp, Black Hat, RSA, CSI, among others.

Joel Scambray, CISSP, is the co-author of all four editions of Hacking Exposed as well as of Hacking Exposed Web Applications and Hacking Exposed Windows 2000. Joel co-authored "Security Watch," a weekly column in InfoWorld. Joel is the author of Microsoft's "Ask Us About ... Security" Monthly Column. He also taught Foundstone's Ultimate Hacking Windows course.

George Kurtz, CISSP, is the co-author of all four editions of Hacking Exposed and of both editions of Hacking Linux Exposed. He is the CEO of Foundstone, a cutting edge security solutions provider. Mr. Kurtz has significant experience with intrusion detection and firewall technologies, incident response procedures, and remote access solutions. As CEO and co-founder of Foundstone, George provides a unique combination of business acumen and technical security know-how.

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Hacking Exposed
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.18(h) x 1.64(d)

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