Handbook of Information Security Management

Handbook of Information Security Management

by Tipton, RuthbeRg;

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Now you can get the professional tools you need to take the offensive in the battle against information security threats with Handbook of Information Security Management. Top experts throughout the country share the secrets of their success in all the security-related areas you must know about to make certain your information systems are safe and secure.See more details below


Now you can get the professional tools you need to take the offensive in the battle against information security threats with Handbook of Information Security Management. Top experts throughout the country share the secrets of their success in all the security-related areas you must know about to make certain your information systems are safe and secure.

Editorial Reviews

A handbook divided into four parts, each part consisting of one or more sections devoted to a specific security-related topic. Part I introduces the key issues in security management, with sections that address how to establish an effective security program, how to analyze and manage risk, how to develop a business continuity plan, and how to develop security awareness. Parts II and III focus on technical security issues--Part II on data, applications, and systems security, and Part III on network and communications security. Part IV focuses on security and the law, covering methods of perpetrating, detecting, and investigating computer crime and abuse. The final chapter addresses the matter of potential exposure to litigation based on claims of negligence in protecting information. Published by Warren Gorham Lamont, 210 South St., Boston, MA 02111. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
6.53(w) x 9.19(h) x 0.85(d)

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