The Handbook of Multimedia Information Management

The Handbook of Multimedia Information Management

by William T. Grosky

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Traditionally, databases have been designed to handle quantifiable data - numbers, fields, words, etc. - things that can be easily identified, sorted, classified, and filed. Recent advances in data storage technology and the explosion of the world of multimedia require a new kind of database, one that can handle audio, video, CAD, hypermedia, images, and animation.… See more details below


Traditionally, databases have been designed to handle quantifiable data - numbers, fields, words, etc. - things that can be easily identified, sorted, classified, and filed. Recent advances in data storage technology and the explosion of the world of multimedia require a new kind of database, one that can handle audio, video, CAD, hypermedia, images, and animation. But how do you identify what is contained in a video clip? How do you tie the search tools of the database into an audio excerpt? What if there are several versions or ones in different languages? What parameters do you apply when sorting graphic images? How do you store and retrieve this massive amount of information quickly and easily? In The Handbook of Multimedia Information Management, a team of experts from all over the world tackles these and other questions. For database designers, developers, and analysts or for anyone looking to catalog their exploding multimedia holdings, this book is required reading.

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Editorial Reviews

A handbook diagraming the future potential and design options available to catalog multimedia holdings. The contributing computer specialists define the data model needed for time-based data, provide information on hyperlinked documents and linking the object's content to the database system for indexing and retrieval, consider strategies to optimize retrieval systems, demonstrate the kinds of visual interfaces that can be created to access files, and review the latest research in multimedia communication and prototype systems. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.27(w) x 9.59(h) x 1.03(d)

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