Hands on Access 97

Hands on Access 97

by Sharon J. Podlin

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This addition to Prima's HANDS ON Series continues the dominant trend in the market today of real-to-life applications. Hands On Access covers customizing a database with Microsoft's desktop database tool. Step-by-step procedures are given for database development, table design, and index, form, and report creation. The guide also includes a CD-ROM featuring sample… See more details below


This addition to Prima's HANDS ON Series continues the dominant trend in the market today of real-to-life applications. Hands On Access covers customizing a database with Microsoft's desktop database tool. Step-by-step procedures are given for database development, table design, and index, form, and report creation. The guide also includes a CD-ROM featuring sample source code for the applications developed.

Product Details

Premier Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.42(w) x 9.13(h) x 1.20(d)

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