HBase Design Patterns

HBase Design Patterns

by Sujee Maniyam, Mark Kerzner

With the increasing use of NoSQL in general and HBase in particular, knowing how to build practical applications depends on the application of design patterns. These patterns, distilled from extensive practical experience of multiple demanding projects, guarantee the correctness and scalability of the HBase application. They are also generally applicable to most

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With the increasing use of NoSQL in general and HBase in particular, knowing how to build practical applications depends on the application of design patterns. These patterns, distilled from extensive practical experience of multiple demanding projects, guarantee the correctness and scalability of the HBase application. They are also generally applicable to most NoSQL databases.

Starting with the basics, this book will show you how to install HBase in different node settings. You will then be introduced to key generation and management and the storage of large files in HBase. Moving on, this book will delve into the principles of using time-based data in HBase, and show you some cases on denormalization of data while working with HBase. Finally, you will learn how to translate the familiar SQL design practices into the NoSQL world. With this concise guide, you will get a better idea of typical storage patterns, application design templates, HBase explorer in multiple scenarios with minimum effort, and reading data from multiple region servers.

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Packt Publishing
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Barnes & Noble
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