High Performance Oracle Data Warehousing

High Performance Oracle Data Warehousing

by Donald Burleson

High Performance Oracle Data Warehousing provides everything that the Oracle developer and DBA need to know to design and implement fast and functional Oracle data warehouses. Using proven techniques from actual systems, this book is full of practical tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Oracle architecture and ensuring maximum performance from the data… See more details below


High Performance Oracle Data Warehousing provides everything that the Oracle developer and DBA need to know to design and implement fast and functional Oracle data warehouses. Using proven techniques from actual systems, this book is full of practical tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Oracle architecture and ensuring maximum performance from the data warehouse. You'll also find advance information on the eagerly awaited Oracle8. And unlike other books on data warehousing, High Performance Oracle Data Warehousing contains invaluable information and actual code examples that demonstrate the use of Oracle data warehouse features.

Product Details

Coriolis Group
Publication date:
High Performance Ser.
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.22(h) x 1.70(d)

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