Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic and SQL Server: Key Planning Insights and Programming Techniques for Data Access

Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic and SQL Server: Key Planning Insights and Programming Techniques for Data Access

by William R. Vaughn

Microsoft insider William R. Vaughn shows developers how to use Visual Basic 5.0 to access data via SQL Server. This fifth edition also reveals the possibilities within the latest Visual Basic 5.0 technology—including its new ability to support a fully event-driven model. The CD contains a new sample database based on the Jet BIBLIO database, plus sample code

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Microsoft insider William R. Vaughn shows developers how to use Visual Basic 5.0 to access data via SQL Server. This fifth edition also reveals the possibilities within the latest Visual Basic 5.0 technology—including its new ability to support a fully event-driven model. The CD contains a new sample database based on the Jet BIBLIO database, plus sample code and white papers.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Developing Solutions Series
Edition description:
5th Edition
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.17(h) x 2.06(d)

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