Holography MarketPlace: The Reference Text and Sourcebook for Holography Worldwide

Holography MarketPlace: The Reference Text and Sourcebook for Holography Worldwide

by Brian Kluepfel

Examples of holograms in these books can be seen on the web. This collection of books, each with various holograms included, can not and will not be reproduced because of manufacturing restrictions. In addition to the manufacturing problems, many of the companies that made the holograms in the books are out of business. An example would be light impressions with… See more details below


Examples of holograms in these books can be seen on the web. This collection of books, each with various holograms included, can not and will not be reproduced because of manufacturing restrictions. In addition to the manufacturing problems, many of the companies that made the holograms in the books are out of business. An example would be light impressions with their classic full color embossed hologram still life. When these books are sold down to about 20 copies, we raise the price to $100/copy and we are considering offering a buy back on some old editions such as edition one, which now sells for $100/copy. This is due to the fact that the value of the books has risen in the collector's market, the books can never be reprinted, and what is in print is all that exists.

"The first edition of this annual directory covers artistic holography, with future plans to include other aspects of this fast-developing technology. The non-technical introductory text describes holographic processes and a glossary defines terms. A well-organized international directory, arranged in four sections, includes vendors by type, procedures, sellers, holography in education and equipment. Each section provides a chart with vendors and categories followed by an alphabetical list of companies by country, with addresses, telephone numbers, and category codes. The chart on education quickly identifies museums and workshops. RECOMMENDED.. as the most current and comprehensive directory of holography." - Library Journal

"This work is packed with a wide variety of information about the holography industry. The cover and several insert pages illustrate different types of holograms covered in the text. Librarians will find the topical chapters, which explain and illustrate most areas in holography, very worthwhile. Chapter 10 provides conventional MarketPlace information, such as copyright holder, manufacturer, chain of distribution, distributor, wholesaler, and retailer. It also covers the year in review. Chapters 11 through 13 deal with holography business, business by category, and individuals in the industry. The volume concludes with a bibliography and glossary, which explains such terms as cross talk, embossed hologram, rainbow hologram, and shadowgram. " - American Reference Books Annual

"The latest edition presents many changes: an enhanced layout, new contributions and hologram science, numerous samples, and addresses of all hologram companies in the world. As a standard library reference, it packs in everything businesses need for acquiring, selling and understanding holographs and their applications." - The Bookwatch

"Holography MarketPlace is an extensive international directory of display holography. It is edited by Franz Ross and Elizabeth Yerkes, and published by Ross Books of Berkeley, CA. It begins with an introduction to holography for the beginner and explains display holography with chapters on types of holograms, artwork, contracts, producers, buying and selling holograms, education, equipment and supplies, a bibliography, and an excellent glossary.

The chapter on types of holograms gives brief and clear descriptions of the varieties of holograms and how they are created. All graphic designers and students about to embark on their first holographic journey should read the chapter on artwork. The chapter on contracts points out many legal pitfalls to avoid.

The chapter on producers lists by country with a chart of the various services claimed to be offered. This directory is a tremendous effort and has produced a useful list of holography resources.

Holography MarketPlace belongs on every holographic reference shelf and will likely get even better with the coming issues. I commend Franz Ross for seeing the importance of holography and being courageous enough to publish books in this little understood field of science and art; includes charts for quick reference. Of special note is the bibliography of over 200 holography books and articles and a listing of University of California library call letters "- L.A.S.E.R. NEWS

"Bearing a startling hologram of a skull on its front cover, this volume is a complete, up-to-date reference guide to its subject. For the uninitiated, the first two chapters give a thorough introduction to this complex technology. There is also a chapter on available educational facilities, plus a glossary of technical terms.

For the professional holographer, the central part of the book covers materials and techniques in detail.

Also included is an international listing of over 1000 holography businesses and personalities, plus a 10pp bibliography, including French, German, Portuguese and Russian, as well as English language publications.

As publishers, Ross Books are in the unique position of offering advertising pages which are collector's items in themselves, in this case from American Bank Note Hologaphics (4pp), Light Impressions and Max Image." - EuroPrinter

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Ross Books
Publication date:
Culinary Arts Ser.

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