The Holy Grail of Data Storage Management / Edition 1

The Holy Grail of Data Storage Management / Edition 1

by Jon William Toigo, Margaret Romao Toigo


"This is a great book at the right time . . . I found the book to be exactly what I was looking for and very well written." --Dr. David Spuler, Director of Advanced Research, BMC Software and Author, Enterprise Application Management with PATROL (1999)

What Every Enterprise Needs to Know to Solve Its Data Deluge!

Depending on the analyst one

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"This is a great book at the right time . . . I found the book to be exactly what I was looking for and very well written." --Dr. David Spuler, Director of Advanced Research, BMC Software and Author, Enterprise Application Management with PATROL (1999)

What Every Enterprise Needs to Know to Solve Its Data Deluge!

Depending on the analyst one follows, corporate IT departments will spend between 75 and 90 cents of every dollar over the next five years on data storage products. The reason is simple: Companies are generating data at a phenomenal rate and increasing their requirements for data storage by 100 percent or more per year.

In The Holy Grail of Data Storage Management, Jon William Toigo documents current trends in storage technology and shows IT executives exactly how to plan a comprehensive strategy for maximizing the availability, performance, and cost-effectiveness of enterprise storage. Discover how to:

  • Map your storage strategy to long-term business goals and application data movement requirements
  • Apply architectural, scalability, and investment protection criteria to every storage purchase
  • Customize storage to key enterprise applications, including data warehousing, ERP, OLTP, and e-commerce
  • Master the new skills needed to manage next-generation storage

This vendor-neutral guide offers new insight into every next-generation storage technology: network attached storage (NAS), RAID array configurations, storage appliances, near on-line storage, Storage Area Networks (SANs), optical systems, and much more. If you're responsible for enterprise storage, planning, architecture, and/or distributed systems, you'll find this book absolutely indispensable.

The Holy Grail of Data Storage Management is complemented by a new website,, which provides useful, up-to-the-minute information on the fast-changing world of storage and storage management technology. See the Introduction for more details.

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Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.90(d)

Table of Contents


1. Data Storage Trends beyond the Millennium: The Road to Chaos.

A Paradigm Shift. Storage Management Defined. Endnotes.

2. Why Storage Management?

Increased Risk of Data Loss. Increased Personnel Cost. Increased Storage Acquisition Costs. Increased Downtime due to Storage-Related Issues. Increased Downtime due to Absence of an Availability-Optimized Architecture. Decreased Performance in Applications. Diminished End User Confidence and Satisfaction. Impediments to Storage Management. Endnotes.

3. Storage in the Modern Distributed Enterprise.

Data Distribution Models Evolve. Distributed-Anarchical Data Distribution. Regionalized-Managed Data Distribution. Centralized-Managed Data Distribution. A Continuum of Options. Endnotes.


4. The Perpetuation of a Disk-Based Storage Strategy.

Evolution of Hard Disk Technology. Enabling Technology for Disk Drive Advancement. Read-Write Heads. Other Drive Improvements. New Initiatives in Drive Technology. PRML Channel Technology and Enhanced Management Features. Interfaces: Connecting Storage for Efficient Use. Advanced Technology Attachment/Intelligent Disk Electronics (ATA/IDE) Interface. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). Ultra SCSI. Serial Storage Architecture (SSA). Fibre Channel. Thinking Outside the Box. Endnotes.

5. Raid.

Disk Storage Sub-systems: Cutting the Tether. RAID Levels. Beyond RAID 5. Implementing RAID. Stand-Alone Arrays. RAID Objectives Scorecard. Endnotes.

6. The Advent of SANs.

Fibre Channel: A SCSI Replacement? Networking Concepts for Storage Managers. SANS: Problems Solved, Issues Remain. Endnotes.

7. Network-Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Appliances.

Distributed Storage Using NAS. Defining Terms. NAS and the Thin-Server Revolution. The NAS Operating System. Differences in Kernel Implementation. Anatomy of a NAS Operating System. Homogeneous NAS File Systems. Enhancing File Systems and MultiProtocol File Access. A Kludge at Best. Integrating NAS with the Enterprise Storage Infrastructure. Endnotes.

8. Secondary Storage: New Roles for Tape.

The Market for Tape. Tape in the Large Systems Market. Tape Products Crowd the Mid-Range. DLT: King of the Mountain. Knocking DLT of the Top of the Hill. QIC Tape and Its Descendents. Travan. Scalable Linear Recording (SLR). 4 mm and 8 mm Contenders. Digital Data Storage (DDS). Mammoth. Advanced Information Technology (AIT). New Players Enter the Mid-Range. Linear Tape Open (LTO). Ecrix and VXA. Into the Rack. Back to NFR. Endnotes.

9. Wither Optical Technologies?

Magneto-Optical Technology Evolves. LIMDOW. Phase-Change Optical Media. Media Selection Criteria. DVD Formats Proliferate. Seeing the Future of Optical Clearly.


10. Implementing Enterprise Storage Management.

Needs Assessment Phase. Policy Development Phase. Architecture Definition Phase. Storage Management Tools Evaluation Phase. Implementation and Testing Phase. Monitoring and Management Phase. Change Management Phase. Model versus Reality. Continued Obstacles. Endnotes.

11. The Storage Infrastructure Perspective.

From a Repository to an Infrastructure View. A Dynamic Data Movement Example: HSM. SAN Architecture Forces Storage Infrastructure Viewpoint. Storage Infrastructure Requirements for Data Warehouse Applications. Storage-Related Data Layout Requirements for Databases. Storage Infrastructure Requirements for Multimedia Applications. The Storage Infrastructure Perspective. Endnotes.

12. Back to the Future.

Considerations for Selecting a Backup Strategy. Remote Mirroring. Hierarchical Storage Management. The Impact of HSM on Storage Planning. Endnotes.


13. The Holy Grail.

Sun Microsystems And StoreX. Compaq's ENSA. EMC'S Enterprise Storage Networks. Other Visions. The Quest Continues. Endnotes.



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