How to Plan, Develop, and Implement Lotus Notes in Your Organization

How to Plan, Develop, and Implement Lotus Notes in Your Organization

by Mike Falkner, Michael Falkner

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This unique, one stop guide is tailor made for managers, developers, and visionaries who want to know more about Lotus Notes and what it takes to implement it into their organizations. You'll discover the best way to deploy groupware applications and learn how the features and capabilities of Lotus Notes can help you change your company for the better. Notes… See more details below


This unique, one stop guide is tailor made for managers, developers, and visionaries who want to know more about Lotus Notes and what it takes to implement it into their organizations. You'll discover the best way to deploy groupware applications and learn how the features and capabilities of Lotus Notes can help you change your company for the better. Notes consultant Mike Falkner takes you step-by-step through all of the technical, organizational, and user-related issues you will face and helps you: build a case for Notes through a complete proposal to top management; acquire the infrastructure you'll need to develop and maintain a Note environment; avoid obstacles that can cripple a Notes installation; walk through the complete development cycle of a Notes database with numerous examples of do's and don'ts; and oversee the system once it's installed.

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7.51(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.24(d)

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