Human and Machine Perception: Communication, Interactionnd Integration

Human and Machine Perception: Communication, Interactionnd Integration

by Sergio Vitulano

The theme of this book on human and machine perception is communication, interaction, and integration. For each basic topic there are invited lectures, corresponding to approaches in nature and machines, and a panel discussion. The lectures present the state of the art, outlining open questions and stressing synergies among the disciplines related to perception. The… See more details below


The theme of this book on human and machine perception is communication, interaction, and integration. For each basic topic there are invited lectures, corresponding to approaches in nature and machines, and a panel discussion. The lectures present the state of the art, outlining open questions and stressing synergies among the disciplines related to perception. The panel discussions are forums for open debate. The wide spectrum of topics allows comparison and synergy and can stimulate new approaches.

Product Details

World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.80(d)

Table of Contents

One eye, two eyes ... how many eyes? Notes and reflections on vision systems for mobile robotics1
A note on pictorial information23
Biomedical signal processing and modeling : multiscale and multiorgan integration of information35
The binding problem and the emergence of perceptual meaning49
Sequence rule models for Web usage mining71
An improved 3D face recognition method based on normal map77
Entropy measures in image classification89
Complex objects classified by morphological shape analysis and elliptical Fourier descriptors105
Visual attention mechanisms for information visualization111
Integrating human and machine perception to reverse-engineer the human vision system119
Situated vision : a step further towards autonomous systems131
Recognizing occluded face using fractals161

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