Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2007 Advanced / Edition 1

Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2007 Advanced / Edition 1

by Lisa Friedrichsen

Master Microsoft Office Access 2007 skills easily with the highly visual, full-color Illustrated Course Guides! Lessons are presented in a clean, easy-to-follow two-page spread focusing on teaching a single skill at a time, with steps on the left and visuals on the right. These practical, easy-to-navigate, spiral-bound books allow users to learn quickly, while

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Master Microsoft Office Access 2007 skills easily with the highly visual, full-color Illustrated Course Guides! Lessons are presented in a clean, easy-to-follow two-page spread focusing on teaching a single skill at a time, with steps on the left and visuals on the right. These practical, easy-to-navigate, spiral-bound books allow users to learn quickly, while serving as an excellent reference tool.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Available Titles Skills Assessment Manager (SAM) - Office 2007 Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
8.10(w) x 10.60(h) x 0.30(d)

Table of Contents

Unit L: Creating Advanced Reports Unit M: Managing Database Objects Unit N: Creating Macros Unit O: Creating Modules and VBA Unit P: Maintaining the Database

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