Implementing a Corporate Repository: The Models Meet Reality

Implementing a Corporate Repository: The Models Meet Reality

by Adrienne Tannenbaum

"Adrienne Tannenbaum has captured the essence of history, use, management considerations, technology, and future direction regarding repository in this book. I know of no other book that captures so much in a single source. Thus, I feel that it must be read by those interested in current and future information technology." —Robert H. Holland, PhD… See more details below


"Adrienne Tannenbaum has captured the essence of history, use, management considerations, technology, and future direction regarding repository in this book. I know of no other book that captures so much in a single source. Thus, I feel that it must be read by those interested in current and future information technology." —Robert H. Holland, PhD Holland Systems Corporation "Repositories are the glue that hold modern Case tools together, and a critical piece of technology for organizations that want to provide automated support for their software development methodologies. Adrienne Tannenbaum’s excellent text provides essential advice for the software engineer and MIS manager to make well-informed choices in the selection of repository tools and products." —Ed Yourdon "A must read for the software practitioner of tomorrow. For the novice and the expert, the book shows clearly, comprehensively, and succinctly how repository technology can help in linking business needs with an enterprise’s information systems, an essential prerequisite to meet the competitive environment of the 1990s." —Harjinder S. Gill, Chairman InfoSpan Implementing a Corporate Repository presents a practical discussion of a repository’s role in corporate information systems. It shows the repository as the backbone of today’s information integration efforts. Rather than taking a theoretical approach, Adrienne Tannenbaum discusses today’s models and demonstrates the ways in which successful repository implementation recoups the invested resources attributable to their creation, maintenance, and continued impact.

  • Shows how to bring today’s models alive via a repository
  • Includes actual case studies of successful repository implementation
  • Discusses Repository Standards
  • Provides in-depth coverage of Distributed Repositories
  • Covers Client/Server Issues related to a repository

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Editorial Reviews

A practical discussion of a repository's role in corporate information. Tannenbaum discusses current models and demonstrates the ways in which successful repository implementation recoups the invested resources attributable to their creation, maintenance, and continued impact. Case studies illustrate the process of organizing, researching, and implementing a repository. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
7.78(w) x 9.59(h) x 1.16(d)

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