Implementing Practical DB2 Applications / Edition 2

Implementing Practical DB2 Applications / Edition 2

by Anthony S. Rudd

Implementing Practical DB2 Applications provides a concise source of information for the development and implication of applications using IBM's DB2 relational database package in the MVS environment. The book describes the flagship DB2 version, namely that implemented for the MVS operating system environment where DB2 operates with the MVS transaction processing

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Implementing Practical DB2 Applications provides a concise source of information for the development and implication of applications using IBM's DB2 relational database package in the MVS environment. The book describes the flagship DB2 version, namely that implemented for the MVS operating system environment where DB2 operates with the MVS transaction processing subsystems: CICS, IMS and TSO.
The book is intended for both beginners and experts. It describes how the various components of SQL are used to provide practical applications.
Containing tips and notes that were discovered the hard way - through hands on experience - this book will be welcomed by all those looking to implement applications in DB2.

Product Details

Springer London
Publication date:
Edition description:
Softcover reprint of the original 2nd ed. 1996
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.46(d)

Table of Contents

2Application Design
3QMF Facilities
4QMF Commands
5Program Environment
6DB2 program Invocation
7Issuing SQL statements from within a program
8Embedded SQL Statements
9Transaction Processing
11Worked Example
Appendix ASyntax Notation
Appendix BSQL Control Areas
Appendix CGlossary

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