Implementing Sap R/3: How to Introduce a Large System into a Large Organization / Edition 2

Implementing Sap R/3: How to Introduce a Large System into a Large Organization / Edition 2

by Nancy H. Bancroft, Andrea Sprengel, Henning Seip

Here's a new edition of a hugely successful book on how to implement SAP R/3 based on real-life examples. The new edition has more coverage of SAP R/3 configuration issues and more case studies, including international organizations' implementation experiences. Many companies have used the first edition to help them establish a common understanding among members of… See more details below


Here's a new edition of a hugely successful book on how to implement SAP R/3 based on real-life examples. The new edition has more coverage of SAP R/3 configuration issues and more case studies, including international organizations' implementation experiences. Many companies have used the first edition to help them establish a common understanding among members of their implementation teams, and the second edition has been improved for such use.

Product Details

Manning Publications Company
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7.27(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.99(d)

Table of Contents

Who Should Read This Book
Overview of This Book
1A Tour of the R/3 System13
2Basics for Configuring the R/3 System, Training, and the Users' Group31
3Plan for Reengineering47
4Implementation Guidelines for R/363
5Phase 1: Focus85
6Phase 2: Create the As Is Picture99
7Phase 3: Create the To Be Design109
8Phase 4: Construction and Testing, and Phase 5: Actual Implementation125
9Managing Change: the "Political" Challenges143
10Team Formation and Development157
11Changes in User and IT Roles173
12Lessons Learned183
Appendix A Objects in the R/3 Reference Model and How They are Related193
Appendix B Displaying the R/3 Reference Model in the Business Navigator215

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