In Hindsight: A Compendium of Business Continuity Case Studies

In Hindsight: A Compendium of Business Continuity Case Studies

by Itgp

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Rhe authors analyse the causes of some of the major disasters from the last thirty years and explain what could have been done better, before and after the event. Using these incidents as case studies, the authors demonstrate the potentially devastating results for organisations that have not planned for the worst , helping you to avoid similar mistakes, reduce

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Rhe authors analyse the causes of some of the major disasters from the last thirty years and explain what could have been done better, before and after the event. Using these incidents as case studies, the authors demonstrate the potentially devastating results for organisations that have not planned for the worst , helping you to avoid similar mistakes, reduce risks and enable faster recovery when things do go wrong

Editorial Reviews

Luciano Anastasi

"This comprehensive research consistently portrays a set of common factors that precedes each disaster – poor management, a lack of proper planning and weak risk management practices. An eye-opener to all those executives that fail to understand the importance of business continuity and disaster recovery mechanisms."

Phillip Wood

"I have found'In Hindsight'to be an interesting, thought provoking and stimulating collection of studies; and I have learned a great deal in reading it."

Product Details

IT Governance
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.76(d)

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