Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases / Edition 1

Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases / Edition 1

by Thomas A. Mueck, Martin L. Polaschek

The purpose of Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases is to provide technical information about current and future issues of search data structures used to index large object-oriented databases. The intended audience of this book includes practitioners involved in OODBMS product selection, application dependent database performance tuning and

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The purpose of Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases is to provide technical information about current and future issues of search data structures used to index large object-oriented databases. The intended audience of this book includes practitioners involved in OODBMS product selection, application dependent database performance tuning and application development on top of object databases, as well as researchers and students interested in the technical issues of object-oriented databases. The only prerequisite for understanding the material presented in this book is a working knowledge of object-oriented modeling and programming concepts and a minimum knowledge of algebraic concepts like, for example, sets.
Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases is suitable as a secondary text for a graduate level course on Indexing and Object-Oriented Databases, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry.

Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
Advances in Database Systems Series, #7
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.50(d)

Table of Contents

Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Database Model. 3. Data Structures and Indexing. 4. Type Hierarchy Indexing. 5. Aggregation Path Indexing. 6. Collection Operations. 7. Performance Analysis - An Example. References. Index.

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