Index Structures for Data Warehouses / Edition 1

Index Structures for Data Warehouses / Edition 1

by Marcus Jurgens, Marcus J. Rgens

Data warehouses differ significantly from traditional transaction-oriented operational database applications. Indexing techniques and index structures applied in the transaction-oriented context are not feasible for data warehouses.
This work develops specific heuristic indexing techniques which process range queries on aggregated data more efficiently than

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Data warehouses differ significantly from traditional transaction-oriented operational database applications. Indexing techniques and index structures applied in the transaction-oriented context are not feasible for data warehouses.
This work develops specific heuristic indexing techniques which process range queries on aggregated data more efficiently than those traditionally used in transaction-oriented systems. The book presents chapters on:
- the state of the art in data warehouse research
- data storage and index structures
- finding optimal tree-based index structures
- aggregated data in tree-based index structures
- performance models for tree-based index structures
- and techniques for comparing index structures.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #1859
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.42(w) x 9.24(h) x 0.36(d)

Table of Contents

State of the Art of Data Warehouse Research.- Data Storage and Index Structures.- Mixed Integer Problems for Finding Optimal Tree-Based Index Structures.- Aggregated Data in Tree-Based Index Structures.- Performance Models for Tree-Based Index Structures.- Techniques for Comparing Index Structures.- Conclusion and Outlook.

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