Information and Database Quality

Information and Database Quality

by Mario G. Piattini, Coral Calero Munoz, Marcela F. Genero

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In a global and increasingly competitive market, where organizations a re driven by information, the search for ways to transform data into t rue knowledge is critical to a business's success. Few companies, howe ver, have effective methods of managing the quality of this informatio n. Because quality is a multidimensional concept, its management must consider a

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In a global and increasingly competitive market, where organizations a re driven by information, the search for ways to transform data into t rue knowledge is critical to a business's success. Few companies, howe ver, have effective methods of managing the quality of this informatio n. Because quality is a multidimensional concept, its management must consider a wide variety of issues related to information and data qual ity. Information and Database Quality is a compilation of works from r esearch and industry that examines these issues, covering both the org anizational and technical aspects of information and data quality. In formation and Database Quality is an excellent reference for both rese archers and professionals involved in any aspect of information and da tabase research.

Editorial Reviews

Nine chapters by computer scientists in academia and industry provide an overview of organizational and technical aspects of database, data warehouse, and data presentation quality, with an emphasis on managing the quality of information and organizational knowledge. Intended for senior undergraduates and graduate students in database courses, the text requires a basic understanding of databases and software engineering. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
Advances in Database Systems Series, #25
Edition description:
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002
Product dimensions:
6.14(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.52(d)

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