Information and Knowledge Management: Expanding the Definition of

Information and Knowledge Management: Expanding the Definition of "Database"

by Timothy W. Finin

This volume contains expanded and updated versions of papers presented at CIKM 92, the First International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, held in Baltimore, Maryland, in November 1992. The conference participants came from the fields of database management, information retrieval, and artificial intelligence. A major theme in the volume is how… See more details below


This volume contains expanded and updated versions of papers presented at CIKM 92, the First International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, held in Baltimore, Maryland, in November 1992. The conference participants came from the fields of database management, information retrieval, and artificial intelligence. A major theme in the volume is how these fields are merging and enriching each other.
The eight papers discuss:

  • discovering context in a conceptual schema
  • a system for face information retrieval
  • queries in OODB systems
  • consistency checking in OODBs
  • integrity constraints representation in OODBs
  • a framework for temporal object databases
  • inductive dependencies and approximate databases
  • OODB design methodologies.

Product Details

Springer-Verlag New York, LLC
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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