Informix Database Administrator's Survival Guide, The (Book/Disk)

Informix Database Administrator's Survival Guide, The (Book/Disk)

by Joe Lumbley

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The Informix Database Administrator's Survival Guide is designed to ease the new INFORMIX-OnLine database administrator (DBA) comfortably into the job. This innovative guidebook pulls together critical information from multiple volumes of OnLine system documentation. Based on Lumbley's firsthand experience as an Informix DBA, this book covers all aspects of day-to-day… See more details below


The Informix Database Administrator's Survival Guide is designed to ease the new INFORMIX-OnLine database administrator (DBA) comfortably into the job. This innovative guidebook pulls together critical information from multiple volumes of OnLine system documentation. Based on Lumbley's firsthand experience as an Informix DBA, this book covers all aspects of day-to-day database administration, including such critical tasks as installing and configuring the database, performance tuning the database, logging, creating archives, and using key monitoring utilities such at tbstat and tbcheck. Included with the book is a diskette that contains source code for all of the programs and scripts in the book. Vital for any DBA managing a database, these are programs for monitoring the status of the database, for monitoring logfile usage, for running archives in the background, and for monitoring the size and extent usage of database tables. In addition, Lumbley fills his book with helpful hints on handling the more intangible aspects of the DBA job because, as he writes in the introduction, "The secret of being a good DBA, in fact of being successful in just about anything, consists of being very good at the technical parts of your job, being very good at communicating, and of being aware of the political environment in which you work."

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Editorial Reviews

A book/disk package for INFORMIX-OnLine database administrators. Covers day-to-day database administration, including installation and configuration, performance tuning, logging, creating archives, and using key monitoring utilities, as well as OnLine architecture, and working with system administrators, computer operators, users' groups, and hardware and operating system vendors. The disk contains source code for all of the programs and scripts in the book. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
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7.03(w) x 9.22(h) x 0.60(d)

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