Informix Performance Tuning

Informix Performance Tuning

by Elizabeth Suto

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Maximize the Performance of Your INFORMIX-Online System.

When you squeeze more performance out of your Informix server, you make your entire organization more productive. Informix Performance Tuning will show you how--in detail.

This insider's guide to Informix performance has been completely updated to

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Maximize the Performance of Your INFORMIX-Online System.

When you squeeze more performance out of your Informix server, you make your entire organization more productive. Informix Performance Tuning will show you how--in detail.

This insider's guide to Informix performance has been completely updated to reflect all recent releases of INFORMIX-OnLine, INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, and INFORMIX XMP. No matter which release you're running, this book will walk you through all the performance-related issues you need to understand, including:

  • Query optimization

  • Database design

  • Disk layout

  • Memory utilization

  • Processor usage

You'll find in-depth discussions of the optimizer and parallel data query techniques--as well as real-life case studies of performance optimizations performed by Informix Software's own professionals. There's also detailed coverage of underlying operating system and hardware issues that can dramatically impact database server performance.

Concise, easy-to-read, and packed with sample diagnostic tool outputs, Informix Performance Tuningis a must-have guide and reference for every Informix database or system administrator.

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Editorial Reviews

Explains to database and system administrators methods for maximizing the performance of two versions of the database server: the earlier version INFORMIX-OnLine through the 5.02 release, and the later INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server through the 7.12 release. Considers all the performance-related issues, including query optimization, database design, disk layout, memory utilization, and processor usage. No bibliography. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Prentice Hall Informix Press Series
Edition description:
Second Edition
Product dimensions:
7.22(w) x 9.57(h) x 0.75(d)

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