Ingres and Relational Dbases: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice

Ingres and Relational Dbases: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice

by David Rothwell

This book is a pragmatic text designed to enable the reader to use the database INGRES,with the minimum amount of effort. It provides the essential foundation for becoming either an expert user of the system or mastering database design. Combining a practical approach with a theoretical understanding,this text allows the reader to become proficient in INGRES and to… See more details below


This book is a pragmatic text designed to enable the reader to use the database INGRES,with the minimum amount of effort. It provides the essential foundation for becoming either an expert user of the system or mastering database design. Combining a practical approach with a theoretical understanding,this text allows the reader to become proficient in INGRES and to understand what features are being used and why.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.08(w) x 8.98(h) x 0.72(d)

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